Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Presentism and the spans of time

Dave and I got the good news that 'Presentism and the Spans of Time' has been accepted for publication at Philosophy and Phenomenological Research a while back. The paper itself tackles a specific problem: that presentists can’t employ their usual method for analysing tensed singular quantification, using primitive ‘slice’ tense operators, to analyse plurals. One option is to introduce a new theoretical primitive: a ‘span’-operator. But there are reasons to worry about this option. In this paper, we offer a strategy for presentists to address the problem that requires only slice-operators. I quite like the paper and, as ever, really enjoyed working with Dave on it. We have several other papers in progress, as well as another paper under review. There is also just the inkling of a book project. We shall have to see what comes of it all. 

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